The Sema ceremony is a spritual journey of Dervishes whirling for divine love.The sema ceremony is one of the most important heritage of Turkish Culture as a tradition of 800 years old.This unique tradional ritual had been proclaimed as Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in 2005
This unique exhibition presents the history of Dervishes and their tradition with a universal vision.Exhibition features information displays about dervishes and their ceremony,objects belonging to the world of dervishes such as clothing,musical instuments and personal tools,interactive Rumi poems and sufi music samples,Hyperralist style dervish statue.
“What you seek is seeking you” ~ Rumi The followers of mystic poet Rumi perform their mesmerizing ritual to create unity between the infinite and humanity.
Mevlana Celaleddin-i Rumi (1207-1273) was a Muslim Sufi mystic, scholar and poet. The sema or whirling ceremony is one expression of his philosophy of unity of all beings through love. The performers carry out the ceremony in special white robes, accompanied by traditional music and chanting. The ceremony is a formal ritual creating a serene meditative atmosphere.
Pickup and drop-off to your Cappadocia hotel, sherbet drink.
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tips (optional)